Category: Coaching
What tragedy and loss taught me about emotion
Most emotion felt elusive to me, once. Then life went thermonuclear… Here’s what we can learn about a more open way of life.
Undefended Love: a book that questions everything you were (never) taught about relationships
Curious about relationships, love and how to relate better to fellow humans? Here’s a book for you.
20 things dragging me through this living nightmare that is midlife
A compendium of tactics for self-preservation during a tricky period.
When you feel neutral, unsure or just ’meh’ about life
What a healthy (or unhealthy) dose of change can do if your life’s a bit emotionally constipated.
20 questions to ask when organising your time
A handy list to accompany my recent audio blog about getting round to what matters, joyfully – beyond simple productivity.
What to expect from a coaching session
My kind of person? Maybe we’ve got a coaching session scheduled. Here’s what might happen…