Category: Strategies
When it hurts to keep going, yet hurts more to stop
Does your urge to progress and get things done get the better of you? Here’s why people like us rarely down-tools.
20 questions to ask when organising your time
A handy list to accompany my recent audio blog about getting round to what matters, joyfully – beyond simple productivity.
Natty trick for people who think their way through life
Here’s an intriguing technique if you’d like extra insight on what to do, what you really want, or how you really feel about things.
Games for achievers to play
I’ve been shamelessly appropriating some games for folk like us. Little prompts to help us come up for air, from the day-to-day mire.
The cost of overpreparing and the price of presence
Some of us are so hard-coded for failure as an inevitability, we build contingencies for our contingencies. But at what cost?
The hospitality hack to turn inner house party to inner calm
Does your inner world sometimes feel like an illegal rave? Is there a lot going on ‘in there’? Here’s how focusing helps me find calm.