20 questions to ask when organising your time
A handy list to accompany my recent audio blog about getting round to what matters, joyfully – beyond simple productivity.
Free coaching for market research chat
Feeling ‘meh’ about work? Plateauing in mid-life? Something’s missing or not quite right in your career or small business… Please help with my MARKET RESEARCH In exchange for talking/ranting about your present experience, I’ll gift you thirty minutes free coaching on an issue of your choice (an empathetic ear and helpful, provocative questions). It’s completely…
What to expect from a coaching session
My kind of person? Maybe we’ve got a coaching session scheduled. Here’s what might happen…
When you’re restless, like something’s missing or not quite right in life
What’s really going on? Three possible underlying causes of that restless-in-life feeling.
Natty trick for people who think their way through life
Here’s an intriguing technique if you’d like extra insight on what to do, what you really want, or how you really feel about things.
Games for achievers to play
I’ve been shamelessly appropriating some games for folk like us. Little prompts to help us come up for air, from the day-to-day mire.