Improv Co-Lab Leeds

A friendly, drop-in improv class in Leeds for beginners and enthusiasts alike. This is open play for improvising comedy, drama and theatre. 

Come play improv

You’re invited to our friendly workshops in Leeds with easy, short-form games and exercises, to explore the playful and profound practice of improvisation.

No experience needed - you're welcome, however familar you are (or aren't) with improv. Just bring your natural, playful curiosity.

This is informal play and practise for all in Leeds

This event is for you if you’re curious about improv or want to gain more improv experience and meet other improvisers in Leeds, West Yorkshire.

Our members are a mix of newcomers, keen amateurs, passionate enthusiasts, drama students past and present, actors and lapsed performers - of all ages.

You’ll get the most out of this if you’re curious, open-hearted and courageous - ready to jump in and play (that’s improv!).

Feel nervous or unsure?

Yet you're really drawn to try improv...

Book a free, friendly chat to explore your curiosity, hope and uncertainty about improvisation, and what to expect from your first experience with Leeds Improv Co-Lab.

Your telephone call will be with Chris - your host and founder of the event.

Bring your questions and hesitations - everything is welcome.

Upcoming improv workshops & classes in Leeds

[If there are no improv events listed please send a message]

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What to expect at Leeds Improv Co-Lab

At Leeds Improv Co-Lab you can expect carefully-led games, exercises and scenes played at your own pace, in pairs and as a private group. No audience. No show.

Every activity is an invitation - you’re trusted to choose and follow what feels comfortable for you.

Expect fun & laughter

Expect silliness, kindness, make-believe, and profound moments of feeling moved.

There’s gentle challenge too, if you’re open to learning.

Expect to learn

You’ll also gain powerful, fundamental principles to help you get the most out of improv - principles that continue to help me navigate life’s challenges, as well as improv.

Expect reflection

There’ll be plenty of reflection - opportunities to discuss and explore what’s coming up as you play and learn. And kind, experienced support from your host.

About your host: Chris Kenworthy

Hello, I made this improv event for people like us 

I want more play in life. I want to feel closer and more supported. And I want to be accepted and loved for the messy, imperfect human that I am. 

So I lead games, exercises and experiences to explore all this. And I want to play with you because trying really hard on my own all the time feels lonely and sad. It’s way more fun together.

Professionally, I’m a certified embodiment coach and relational facilitator. I’m also trained in Level 3 Authentic Relating leadership.

I travel the world exploring retreats, workshops and intensives, then return with discoveries for you to play with. I’ve trained with The Maydays, Maria Peters, Jennifer Jordan, Jen Hardy and Chris Mead.

Regular, in-person improv workshops in Leeds

As your facilitator, I find it helpful to frame our improv sessions around different themes - usually relational and playful topics to motivate and inspire you. 

Here are some recent examples:

The joy of listening

Exploring distinct qualities of listening through the head, heart and body - to really tune-in.

Acts of kindness

Making generous choices and offers that create possibility and help people feel valued.

slow down

Staying present and connected to yourself and other improvisers through centering your body.

honour self & other

Respecting your needs and the needs of other individuals when we improvise, so we become more caring, loving and empathic improvisers.

welcome everything

Being more open-hearted in the way we accept, agree and build with what unfolds in the moment - what that feels like and how to embody that in our improv.

other themes

As a certified professional coach, I also facilitate improv-inspired day workshops and experiences for groups and organisations. These explore themes of communication, cooperation, leadership, emotional intelligence, embodied intelligence, and relationships.

Hear what to expect

Listen to the episode of my improvised podcast: Beyond the Basement describing what a typical Leeds Improv Co-Lab session is like.

What is improv (and why do it)?

Improv is the art of accepting ‘what is’ with playful, heartfelt curiosity in the here-and-now. It’s about making things up as you go along, collaboratively. It can involve movement, games, stories, dialogue, reactions, characters and plot.

Benefits of improv

Improv helps me navigate life’s struggles with overthinking, judgement, perfectionism, isolation, failure and mistakes - taking life too seriously.

If you need to let go, feel more alive, laugh more, or rediscover your inner child then improv is for you too.

  • Free your creativity and imagination
  • Improve communication in relationships
  • Discover spontaneity and adaptability
  • Deepen connections and support
  • Feel more confident in uncertain situations

Here’s what a typical two-hour improv workshop in Leeds looks like

  1. Welcome and theme introduction - to help you feel comfortable and know why we're here.
  2. Check-in and context - to acknowledge how it's all feeling and frame the workshop.
  3. Gentle warm-up exercises - to ease us into play and feel synchonised with the group.
  4. Improv games and scenes - to play and perform pair and group activities together.
  5. Comfort break.
  6. More improv - same as #4.
  7. Check-out and close - to gently lead us out of our improv bubble and back into the world.

Please send me a message if you have any questions about improv

Especially if you feel nervous or unsure, yet called to try it - I want to speak to you.

Or you can also book a call.